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Ladies and gentlemen, the lawyers in the making. you have been hearing or you will be expecting to hear from the class instructors and lecturers here at UDOM that as a law student you must always be in a proper court attire 

Mr. Masoud Khartoum one of our instructors always say "we are not teaching you just laws, but together with that,we are teaching you life after four years"

the general belief is that after we have completed a four years LL.B program here at UDOM some of us might chose to become legal officers or practitioners this means you will have to appear before the court of law  several times to ether file or defends a case.

in this case therefore it is imperative to note that courts of laws have their own rules of conducts,one of which is a proper dress code or the proper court attire. for one to be able to stand before the judge or a magistrate will have to be appearing in a formal and acceptable dress code.otherwise you shall be thrown out of the court.

now to avoid all that inconveniences. here is how you are supposed to be appearing ;(this applies to both advocates and witnesses)

1 Be sufficiently groomed – Make sure your hair is brushed, and if you have facial hair it should be groomed and trimmed. Brush your teeth, wash your hands and please trim your fingernails. There is no need for cologne or aftershave; a judge will not make a decision based on how you smell assuming you showered and do not reek of alcohol.
In 2009 Chris brown was charged of felony assault. he appeared this way before the court of law

2 Wear comfortable, fitted clothing – Some of you gentlemen might like the space that XXXL shirts and pants may have to offer, but to the law and the judge over-sized clothing brings negative imagery to mind. Wear your pants around your waist. Tuck in your shirt. Wear a belt. And make sure that your clothing fits you.  A simple visit to the court may take only an hour, while major procedures may last all day. Being comfortable in your clothing will better your posture and keep you focused.

3. Cover any tattoos and remove removable piercings that you wear to scream you are a non-conformist – Your friends, parents, and even boss may not have an issue with these – but a conservative judge 30 years your senior may.

4. No beach clothing – Do not wear sandals, shorts, and t-shirts to court. This is not the beach of San Diego or Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville.
5. Avoid excessive jewelry – Keep the jewelry to a minimum – your wedding ring and perhaps one or two other simple pieces that haver either religious or personal meeting.  In the United States, judges are not impressed by the display of gold on your fingers, neck, or wrists.  In general keep all necklaces, earrings, nose rings, tongue or eyebrow piercings, gaudy rings and high priced watches out of sight.
6. No hats – If you go to court in winter you can wear a hat outside the courthouse, but once you enter remove your hat. Wearing a hat indoors is a sign of ignorance and worse disrespect. No baseball caps, no cowboy hats, and no top hats.

7. Minimize pocket bulk – Try to avoid looking like you’re expecting to be convicted and have brought all your worldly possessions with you.  Many court houses now require screening and for you to leave many items outside – avoid the hassle or embarrassment by packing light and making sure anything that can be construed as a weapon or just doesn’t need to go with you stays at home.  And turn your cell phone off!
8. Do not overdress – You need to be sensitive to appearing too dapper; no one like a man who tries to appear above others.  Clothing such as a black tie ensemble does not belong, and if in a rural area you’ll want to even tone down your suit if you wear one at all.  No pocket square or vest -do not outdress the judge and lawyers.  Keep it simple, clean, and a manner that says nothing about you is pretentious. Do your homework and know the environment before you step into the court.

9  Never wear a costume or try to enter the courtroom naked – this might even attract court charges for instance at the year 2014 august A man campaigning for the right to be naked was thrown out of court ,after he appeared before magistrates sporting only his bushy beard and a backpack.Vincent Bethell, a 28-year-old naturist, was due to face charges of disorderly behavior after being arrested for walking naked through London .Judge Terence English ordered Bethell to get dressed and reappear on Sept. 4, “hopefully with your clothes on because the courts will not deal with you if you go through this nonsensical charade.”Bethell has vowed not to put his clothes back on until British law is changed to allow public nudity. He faces a fine of up to $1,500 for his naked walk in the upscale Kensington neighborhood.